Journey to the hands of God

I recently wrote this with the intention of reading this to my former confirmation teacher’s class but I decided to freely speak without it. I still thought it was worth the share because reflecting over this, I have come to realize, my faith did go through a transformation period.

When I started college last year (2015-2016), I had just turned 18 about a month ago and with a milestone age of entering young adulthood, I couldn’t help but ask myself a lot of questions in the times where I was alone away from my parent’s supervision. My church was about a mile away from my freshman dorm, it took me about twenty minutes (depending how quickly or leisurely I decided to walk) to get to mass. In college, I experimented a lot to see what fitted into my new life. When it came to my religion, I took many detours. I had gone to masses in English with college students that I did not know and I have gone to Spanish mass with more people I did not know. Overall, I decided to stick to Spanish mass because it was one of the very few times where I felt at home and safe to be myself. Not that I did not feel safe in my own living space because my former roommate accepted me for who I am, but I needed a more sense of security that only my faith was able to provide. Though what I did not consider is the transition itself from my community established church back at home to going to a church where I felt no connection. The first few Sundays I struggled going to mass alone. Sitting alone in mass, I had constantly wished for at least a companion to go to church with me to relieve some of the homesick feeling I found hard to manage. I want to say that was one of the reasons why I temporarily stopped going to mass. To feel nostalgic and sad when going to church, was not on my list of emotions to feel when practicing my faith. Instead I made up excuses, I told myself that I was too tired to go to mass and that I needed to finish homework before the week started again. Only the more times I missed church, the more miserable, confused, and stressed out I felt. Independence is something a lot of people long for when they graduate from high school, I know I did, but there is also a price that comes along with it. You begin to realize the person you truly are when you are not around your parents, at least that is how I felt going to college out of my hometown, you find yourself in a wave of nostalgia. There were moments where I did not watch old childhood movies because it made me miss my brothers too much. In those moments, you know that you are going through a transformation that only you and God know. Only God knows more of the plans and you tend to just catch up with time. I remember my parents would call and ask me if I went to church the following Sundays and sometimes I did but most times in my first semester of freshman year I said that I did not go to church. And even though I did not see my parents face to face, I could not help but feel guilty and disappointed in myself. God always puts in the time for me and I felt the least I can do is give Him one day out of my busy week to reconnect. It wasn’t until I went back home for spring break and went through confession that I had come to my senses that through my period of finding out who I was, God already knew who I was going to become and has always been there with open arms ready to catch me if I were to fall. Then you start to think and realize that only God would do something like that for you. I felt I did not deserve all the accomplishments and opportunities I was given in my freshman year of college because I was not going to church regularly. I even asked myself, “what did I do to deserve this?”.


I will not lie; it is so easy to fall within the cracks of college when you do not have God in the center of your life. And I know many of you have heard that saying so many times that you can recite it in your sleep, but I agree. After confessing in March, I pulled myself together. I started going to church more often, I started to make Catholic friends who would invite me to church or to some of the church activities. Going into my sophomore year of college at 19 (2016-2017), I got better at going to church on my own. I started to sing more at church and opened myself up to meeting new people from my new community. The complex thoughts that I had were starting to make more sense. I still get homesick sometimes but this time when I go to church is like I am at home again. You sing the same songs and you start to see familiar faces, the community eventually starts to grow on you. As a mentor this year, one of the students I mentor is religious and we are constantly talking about the works of God. College triggers a lot of my anxiety and going to church was one of the ways where I found myself replenished from all the work done within the week. When I do not go to church I feel like I had hit a bump in a road and the week becomes more challenging to complete. Until you go back to church, it’s like getting a big warm hug from God. God also works in the most baffling ways. God knows when you are taking detours and He also knows of ways to bring you back to church whether you feel it at first or not. God sent me angels inviting me back to church multiple times throughout my semesters and it was not until this year that I finally accepted His invitation to be a more involved Catholic during college. I learned that instead of finding reasons or excuses for why God does not fit in my life, I found it is better to go along with Him. When challenging God, I always know He is going to win me over, so what is the point of pushing Him away? I thought I was persistent, but no one is more persistent than my Father.

What religious stories do you have that has shaped your faith today?

xx Chavelita


Day 6: Adulting

Adulting. Something you will not understand until you actually have to be an adult and do things on your own. When you have to take the reigns on your own life even if you do not know where or how to lead. Going in with an optimistic approach of independence, adulting is not at all what I imagined. I am not sure there is even a comparable situation that will assist you into the adult world unless you have absolutely had to rely on yourself to get things done. I know as a military child you tend to see life in a different manner and for the most part your childhood goes rather quickly as we lean more on ourselves to get the job done. Though even being a military child I had my moments of struggle, no one is prepared for what life is thrown at you. It is true that you live one day at a time. I find that it is just best to remind yourself that each day will have their struggles and rewards but no yesterdays are the same as our tomorrows.

There has been many times where I had wish my mom was around to help me make decisions when I am at the grocery store. Or be given some thought out advice on how to overcome moments of confusion with my dad. But through it all, you tend to learn a lot about yourself when you do not have any influence coming from someone else. I found my love for drinking hot tea in particular peach hot tea. I have learned that I cannot buy milk for one because I will let it spoil. I am embarrassed to say this but I had half a gallon of milk sitting in the inside of our fridge for a whole semester without opening. I was afraid to open it and throw out the contents out so I threw out the whole thing in the trash bin. Out of sight, out of mind, right? In the basement was the laundry room and in there there was the old washing machines that I had forgotten how to use so I had to relearn the technique to use those machines. I found out that I am not strong enough physically to bring all of my dirty laundry at once so I had to separate my loads in a bag and take it down to the basement in rotations. Also learned that doing laundry on a weekday was not going to cut it for me and if I were to do my laundry at an earlier time on the weekend I was able to get all my loads done by the afternoon. Some of the things I have learned while adulting, it is all about the little things my friends. 
I normally do not get sick but when I do get sick then its like a piece of hell breaks open. Towards the end of my second semester of college I was hit hard with the allergies. First came the headaches which I thought could be treated with a pain killer pill only the headache persisted into the next day. This is how migraine and I first met, it was not a welcoming experience to say the least. The following day I was okay but the day after that I woke up with a sore throat and my body had given up on me. If my body could speak it would of probably told me, “Girl you are on your own for this one!”. I had asked my mentor if she had any cough syrup or if she could take me to the pharmacy to get me some but I did not receive a reply back until I had woken up that morning of the sore throat. Everyone was apparently busy so there was only one thing I could do and that was to walk to the nearest pharmacy myself. Using every remaining amount of energy left I began my walk to the pharmacy. Perhaps this was the moment that I had hit adulthood. When you are left to take care of yourself and be responsible for taking your medicine and taking yourself to the doctors when needed. What a fun week that was for me!
Overall, adulting is going to push your buttons. With time though, you learn to adapt yourself to adulthood… at least that is what I am hoping adulting leads to. I am still adjusting even some of my adult friends are still adulting. So do not feel bad if you are getting to the age that you have to be an adult and all you experience is a lot of confusion and loss of control. That means you are doing it right! Keep up the good work! You will soon find your momentum! Things will soon start making sense, it is the getting started part that brings in the toughest challenges.
How is adulting coming along for you?
xx Chavelita

Day 21: Advice to my future children

Although I am only eighteen and have many many more years to learn about myself and the world around me, I feel like I have some leverage from all the learning I had done through the challenges that were tossed in my direction. Not all opportunities or situations come as easy as a slow pitch to hit out of the park even though some of us do wish that we had our questions answered in an instant. And those who do opportunities and situations that are easy to handle, we feel like those aren’t worth much of a value but here I am to tell you is that every lesson that was learned through our experiences are worth value. When we sit there, sometimes in the midst of the night alone or we stand there idle in our morning showers, our minds are working up a storm to figure out a solution to a problem that is either there or not. Bubbles and lines crossing, with an infinite number of solutions, when we want one answer we come up with multiple possibilities that just drives us up the wall. I know we have a solution but then we start to wonder if its appropriate enough to fit the current situation and we begin to overthink which does not lead us anywhere. I think people should just trust in what they got and see where that may lead them. Which starts to my first lesson for my future child…

Do not follow the crowd. At first people may think that because they are following the crowd that they are doing something right, which may not always be the case. I have given the crowd a chance and all the times that I did, I was farther and farther away from the person I wanted to be known as. I nearly forgot myself while transforming into someone I wasn’t. I would think that there was something wrong with me because I found such difficulty to connect with other individuals among my age group. Yet I continued walking by myself, allowing enough contact to keep myself in check but for the majority of the time I spent my time figuring things out without any outside influences. So kids, when you feel like you do not fit in with rest of the group and you find yourself spending alone time apart from everyone else or observing your surroundings, remember that usually the amazing people among the crowd do not call attention towards to themselves by showing off but because you have a natural glow, those who have their eyes open will definitely see you and change your life. Follow your own path for now, find out more about yourself and with time people will cross paths with you. Just a heads up though, some will walk alongside of you and others will simply cross without acknowledging you.

Be careful who you trust. I have found myself in many predicaments especially when I tell friends personal information that end up not being my friend for long. Then I think, well great there goes all my deep information along with the many insecurities and thoughts that I should of just kept to myself in the first place. Even though at times I forget what personal information I have shared with some people, having that information wondering around on someone else’s lips makes me want to curl into a makeshift shell. I don’t want to say that I was careless but more so that I outweigh a lot of people’s good qualities over their bad qualities, so lets hypothetically say that everyone knows that one person who is known to be worst person to man and I would still find something good about them. I would still give them a chance despite all the commentary I have been told in private. I just want my kids to be able to open their minds to see the rounded values that make up any person that they decide to meet, not be timid, afraid or embarrassed to be themselves and share their stories. To be able to interact with their peers and know the difference between an average friend and the values that make up a better friend. So that they can limit the chances of disappointment they are going to encounter in life. Just know that mommy will always have ears to listen, arms to give out those needed hugs, eyes to give my undivided attention, a voice to comfort when my kids feel overwhelmed, and a sense of humor to make you laugh even if they may end up laughing at me for something silly. I will be here every step of the way.

Sweet words are easier to swallow, if needed to. There was always this saying that my dad would tell me, “diga dulce palabras por se caso si los tienes que tragarlas”, which in English it means to “say sweet words in case you have to swallow them”. We have all come to a close point in our lives or even crossed that point in ours lives when we’re absolutely furious with someone and say rather harsh things in spite of the moment. Yeah for those few minutes we spill emotions out like if someone were to open the faucet at full blast. Until we calm down and realize that the situation could of been handled in a different manner. Regret begins to develop and we feel this embarrassment rising in our faces and soon the tiny sweat droplets form that is why it’s better to say sweet words. I agree that people should know what position they are in whether it is in a relationship, friendship, or among family and have the chance to speak about what is on their minds but at times we may forget that words are a powerful tool and should be used carefully. This advice also goes when speaking to or about other people. Spreading rumors and then having the victim find out where the source of that gossip is coming from already does not paint a pretty picture. In a situation like the words become difficult to swallow or take back so that is why is just best to not spread false information about others. When spreading compliments, the sweet words, the person could either thank you or not acknowledge your words the same if you are complimenting yourself you could either accept the sweet words or trash them. At least swallowing sweet words are a bit easier than swallowing the bitter ones. I want my kids to be able to choose their words wisely and watch what they say to others, because even words could have the effect to change a person.

What advice would you tell your children or what advice do you already tell your children?

xx Chavelita

P.S. I am not pregnant. The kids mentioned are hypothetical.

Day 9: Anna Eleanor Roosevelt

A little bit about Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, she was born on October 11 of 1884 who yup you guessed it was married to Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Inspired by this woman, she remained on her feet and was on top of anything she could get her hands on to change the United States. When she had discovered that FDR was having an affair with her social secretary but since Eleanor was married she remained loyal to him. Although Eleanor was the one who offered the divorce and that her mother-in-law wanted them to remain together, Eleanor told FDR to end his affair or she would divorce him. (Literally no garbage was given to Eleanor) In addition to her mother-in-law not wanting Eleanor to get into politics with FDR, she still did and was she amazing… She became the vice-president and finance chairman for the Democratic Women’s Committee in 1925 and was a part owner for a college preparatory for upper-class girls. She used her time by providing exercises that helped girls think for themselves and open their minds to problems that were happening in the nation.
In 1933 she was the First Lady to hold all-female press conferences and in 1935 she provides a meeting to discuss the role of women in politics. Then in 1939 Eleanor was defying segregation laws by sitting in between the whites and blacks at the Southern Conference of Human Welfare. She saw no difference in what made individuals the way they are on their skin color and gave everyone opportunities to express themselves. Eleanor would also travel for her husband during his presidency when he was too ill. This not only gives women recognition in politics but also states that women could do the same things that men can if only they were given the chance to do so.  Her list of accomplishments stretches out and overall she is an amazing women figure for providing a voice to those who didn’t have one.

One of the quotes that stuck to me is her well known quote, “No once can make you feel inferior without your consent”. Which means that you have the choice to either respond to the negativity or to let the negativity slip right off. When you give consent that means that you are allowing the other person to hurt you. With this quote it entails that you have the choice to react to what is being said to us and let the information effect us or we have the choice to listen but use it as oil to spark the fire within us to create changes in our lives. Just like any news that is told, there are multiple aspects to interpret a set of news but it is up to you how you want to view the news. So just remember everyone has their own opinions and some of them you will agree with and others not so much, but remain respectful. Do not be the person who makes others feel inferior and do not let anyone make you feel inferior. As soon as you let someone make you feel inferior then you already loss. Most of the time those who want to make you feel inferior is because they are already inferior themselves and you do not have to lower yourself to make your statement.

What quote speaks to you?

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt

xx Chavelita