Journey to the hands of God

I recently wrote this with the intention of reading this to my former confirmation teacher’s class but I decided to freely speak without it. I still thought it was worth the share because reflecting over this, I have come to realize, my faith did go through a transformation period.

When I started college last year (2015-2016), I had just turned 18 about a month ago and with a milestone age of entering young adulthood, I couldn’t help but ask myself a lot of questions in the times where I was alone away from my parent’s supervision. My church was about a mile away from my freshman dorm, it took me about twenty minutes (depending how quickly or leisurely I decided to walk) to get to mass. In college, I experimented a lot to see what fitted into my new life. When it came to my religion, I took many detours. I had gone to masses in English with college students that I did not know and I have gone to Spanish mass with more people I did not know. Overall, I decided to stick to Spanish mass because it was one of the very few times where I felt at home and safe to be myself. Not that I did not feel safe in my own living space because my former roommate accepted me for who I am, but I needed a more sense of security that only my faith was able to provide. Though what I did not consider is the transition itself from my community established church back at home to going to a church where I felt no connection. The first few Sundays I struggled going to mass alone. Sitting alone in mass, I had constantly wished for at least a companion to go to church with me to relieve some of the homesick feeling I found hard to manage. I want to say that was one of the reasons why I temporarily stopped going to mass. To feel nostalgic and sad when going to church, was not on my list of emotions to feel when practicing my faith. Instead I made up excuses, I told myself that I was too tired to go to mass and that I needed to finish homework before the week started again. Only the more times I missed church, the more miserable, confused, and stressed out I felt. Independence is something a lot of people long for when they graduate from high school, I know I did, but there is also a price that comes along with it. You begin to realize the person you truly are when you are not around your parents, at least that is how I felt going to college out of my hometown, you find yourself in a wave of nostalgia. There were moments where I did not watch old childhood movies because it made me miss my brothers too much. In those moments, you know that you are going through a transformation that only you and God know. Only God knows more of the plans and you tend to just catch up with time. I remember my parents would call and ask me if I went to church the following Sundays and sometimes I did but most times in my first semester of freshman year I said that I did not go to church. And even though I did not see my parents face to face, I could not help but feel guilty and disappointed in myself. God always puts in the time for me and I felt the least I can do is give Him one day out of my busy week to reconnect. It wasn’t until I went back home for spring break and went through confession that I had come to my senses that through my period of finding out who I was, God already knew who I was going to become and has always been there with open arms ready to catch me if I were to fall. Then you start to think and realize that only God would do something like that for you. I felt I did not deserve all the accomplishments and opportunities I was given in my freshman year of college because I was not going to church regularly. I even asked myself, “what did I do to deserve this?”.


I will not lie; it is so easy to fall within the cracks of college when you do not have God in the center of your life. And I know many of you have heard that saying so many times that you can recite it in your sleep, but I agree. After confessing in March, I pulled myself together. I started going to church more often, I started to make Catholic friends who would invite me to church or to some of the church activities. Going into my sophomore year of college at 19 (2016-2017), I got better at going to church on my own. I started to sing more at church and opened myself up to meeting new people from my new community. The complex thoughts that I had were starting to make more sense. I still get homesick sometimes but this time when I go to church is like I am at home again. You sing the same songs and you start to see familiar faces, the community eventually starts to grow on you. As a mentor this year, one of the students I mentor is religious and we are constantly talking about the works of God. College triggers a lot of my anxiety and going to church was one of the ways where I found myself replenished from all the work done within the week. When I do not go to church I feel like I had hit a bump in a road and the week becomes more challenging to complete. Until you go back to church, it’s like getting a big warm hug from God. God also works in the most baffling ways. God knows when you are taking detours and He also knows of ways to bring you back to church whether you feel it at first or not. God sent me angels inviting me back to church multiple times throughout my semesters and it was not until this year that I finally accepted His invitation to be a more involved Catholic during college. I learned that instead of finding reasons or excuses for why God does not fit in my life, I found it is better to go along with Him. When challenging God, I always know He is going to win me over, so what is the point of pushing Him away? I thought I was persistent, but no one is more persistent than my Father.

What religious stories do you have that has shaped your faith today?

xx Chavelita


"I don’t know what to do"

Every time I hear someone tell me, “I don’t know what to do”, I break a little inside. If you do not know what you want, then how exactly am I supposed to know what you want? The only thing I could simply do is be your supporting friend and listen to anything that you have on your mind. This seems like a test and frankly I am not sure I am passing it. When I do not say anything the majority of the time is because I do not know what to say. It’s like my mind goes on overdrive running infinite amount of circles as a hamster on a wheel. Though I have been thinking, if you do not know what to do I suggest you step back from the big picture. Perhaps you are over analyzing the choices you have that you are not quite seeing them clearly. Sometimes for a question it would only need a simple answer. Stress could indeed be a major factor and there are times you would want to breakdown. There is nothing wrong with breaking down it relieves some of the stress and it allows you to start over.

Some questions I ask myself when I feel this way is, “Why am I feeling like this?” which helps guide my focal point to the issue. Writing down these feelings in private could also shape the cluttered thoughts like for myself I have a journal where I write anything and everything when I could no longer handle it. It is your journal thus you can write anything in it, exactly the way you want it. What I advise you though is that you go and tell someone too. Talking about it with someone gives you leverage and to further organize those thoughts. Usually when someone does not know what to do, they have an idea what they want. They are not completely in the dark or how else would they know how they are feeling this way? This expression is rather tricky and from experience you just have to give it time. Do not ask me how much time you should give yourself or the person experiencing this because it all depends on the individual. I know it may sound a bit rude, but it’s the best that I got. I cannot simply go into someone’s mind and make decisions for them. I mean I could barely even make own decisions… Though what you can do is let them know that they are not alone in this. Do not force them into making a decision, this is the time where you have to be understanding and have patience for that person. Trust me, I know it is hard to see someone go through this though you still have your life is still continuing. You cannot just push pause on your own life. Do not drop everything for that person, when they are ready they will come for you. Faith is a key factor of dealing with circumstances like this. It is all about playing your cards right on your faith and facing whatever may come up.

What I also think is that perhaps yourself or that person needs to change something in their life in order to find their place. A routine could be great until there is one piece of it missing that throws you off. Think of what will make you content with your life and play with it. If something does not work, exchange it for something else until you find that happy medium. That is the wonderful thing about being your own person, that you are able to change what you do not like for something that you do. Just be careful for what you are changing because sometimes there is no way of going back to the life you previously had.

When was the last time you took a risk?

xx Chavelita

PS I apologize for not writing, I was indeed sorting out my own thoughts ahahaha but they will be more I actually have a list of topics on my phone so keep your eyes peeled for them! 🙂

Unexpected turns

The majority of this day I have been trying to gather my thoughts as to what would actually happen if something or someone from your life were to change and causing this sort of domino effect to the rest of your life. Events happen out of your control and you are forced to juggle around your emotions, the emotions of others who may be affected and still try to maintain sanity within yourself. Perhaps I am being selfish for mostly thinking about what would happen to me if the causes were to become reality rather than worrying for the causes on other people’s life.

Side note: Everyone has problems because someone may have worse problems than you that should not mean that you should keep it to yourself. Problems big or small are problems and should be taken care of immediately before they develop into worse scenarios. Your problems are just as important as anybody else’s, I just wish people would stop competing to see who has the worst the problem instead help each other out to find the solution to that problem.

I will not lie though, I am known to be the biggest worrier there is not one day where I am not worrying about something. I’ve been told multiple times that I should stop worrying over the little things because I always seem to find a way through the obstacles but if I don’t worry then how else will I acknowledge that there is a problem or a potentiality that a problem will be created? What people do not understand is that I worry because I care and maybe I care a bit too much about things that do not even involve me but that is the person I am. I can be stubborn, clingy, and will do anything to bring back peace or the happiness of those who have impacted my life. Which I also find myself holding in a lot of information. It sounds a bit complicated, huh? That I may not be involved in the issue but people tell me their issue and it is as if I have been enrolled into the issue as the bystander or the advice giver? I do not mind that people come to me when they have problems because I honestly prefer they do. It is not because it adds power to my name but it means that people are entrusting themselves to receive help and although I may not always have the brilliant advice to give or the witty responses to cheer up a bad day, I will like them to know that I am there for them. Whether we stopped talking for a number of days, have not seen each other in a few weeks, I will still be here because I know how it feels like to be left in the dust when the only person who will hear you is a bear made out of fluff.

I apologize that this advice post is not the regular peppy inspirational post you would normally read on here, but today has just been one of those “emotional roller coasters, insert your earphones and exclude yourself from others” kind of day and hopefully everything gets sorted out soon. I hope you have a wonderful day.
How do you deal with the unexpected turns in your life?

xx Chavelita


There are just moments in life where you seem that you have everything together, you find yourself content with the life you’ve decided to take, and you sense that nothing can go wrong. As swift and easy, negativity comes rushing through you like the plague and steals away all the confidence that took you so long to build up. Now let me tell you that is probably one of the worst feelings to experience because it’s not a outside source that is causing the problem (though it could be a factor) but you also play the role as the predator of your own thoughts with what you see. Interpretation and perspective can be deadly when they’re put together. There is no avoiding it, there will be people, posts, books, music, pretty much anything that can inspire and or dissuade you from the person you want to become. Sometimes it is not even your fault because I believe that people change for their own benefit and depending on what it is (though that may not always be the case), that is up to you to decide to keep that person in your life or continue without them. Let me ask you, do you love yourself? Do you love the life you molded yourself into? If you answered yes for both questions then there is nothing wrong with you and if you want to enrich your life I think you should do it. Do not forget about the people who helped you get to where you are and the experiences you have gone through because they are the reason for the path you’ve chosen. If you answered no for one or both questions, what is it that you want in life? What are some things you can fix that can get you back onto the right path? Do not be afraid to ask for help, but also be careful who you ask for help. The changes you make does not always have to be anything major because even the little changes make a large impact. I will not lie, it’s confusing because I do not have an exact answer to give you to overcome this because everyone has different methods of coping but if you’re starting to become unhappy then maybe you’re going the wrong way. Retract your steps if you have to and hopefully it will newly enlighten the light inside of you. Remember just like Jessie J said, “It’s okay not to be okay” but it’s not okay to sit there and do nothing about it either.

xx Chavelita